Pond Snail Cure: The playing field in the battle against invasive small pond snails changed dramatically when the Assassin Snail entered the battle. They’re a tropical snail, so their population is…
Author: admin
Water Clarity and Quality Is a Team Effort: Over-cleaning a Tank or Pond
Cloudy Water in Ponds and Aquariums Water Clarity / Water Clouding is conditioned on FIVE or SIX different kinds of organism. Bacteria, Viruses, Flagellates, freshwater Protists like Ambiphrya as well as plants…
Protected: Medicated Food: (Code G2 from page 39 of book)
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How To Import and Acclimate the Most Sensitive Imported Fish & Shrimp
Acclimating Imported “Hard To Ship Fish” (Tropical Fish, Neocardina Shrimp, Koi, Goldfish) WHAT IS “BAG BURN” and WHY DOES IT MATTER? “Bag Burn” is severe gill and fin damage from Ammonia and…
Hexamita Spironucleus Infections Discus Oscar – Hole-In-The-Head Treatment
Hexamita Spironucleus Infections Discus Oscar – Hole-In-The-Head Treatment The smallest Parasite of the greatest importance to goldfish, Koi, tropical fish, Siamese, fighting fish, or bettas, would have to be Hexamita. It’s a…
What Is The Future in a World With Immortal Aeromonas?
Fish are infected more and more frequently with Aeromonas and Pseudomonas bacteria that are vulnerable to NO antibiotics that we have access to with tropical / pond fish. Total drug resistance. This…
What kind of chemistry test should I get for a freshwater aquarium?
What kind of chemistry test should I get for a freshwater aquarium?
Protected: Wholesale Opportunities
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Protected: Free Book
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Protected: Saving Sick Fish For Immediate Delivery (Electronic) Online Study Only
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