Lighting can be accomplished by MANY different means including simple LED strip lights from Home Depot. has a LOT of very affordable lighting solutions for fish tanks which provide different, beneficial spectrums of light for the fish.
◦ What is This?
◦ Lighting refers to the way(s) we shed light on our ponds and aquariums. Most of the time, outdoor ponds just get sunlight. In a perfect world that pond’s light would be filtered sunlight all morning and afternoon with maybe 2-3 hours (tops) of full-on direct sunlight. If the pond is low-volume (500 gallons or less) you would want to check temperatures as the day progresses and see if they peak which might require shade cloth. A big pond probably would not experience spikes.
◦ “I know I know, WHAT SHOULD I BUY?”
◦ Well I light all my tanks with full spectrum LED fixtures. You can get them for about $15 a panel. They can be daisy chained and oftentimes you can mount them in an existing aquarium hood.
LIGHTING TANKS – Deeper and Deeper Information and Personal Advice