pH Regulators
I always prefer a commercial, dry preparation for pH regulation and SeaChem makes a very good one. It’s got economy and it’s VERY effective. The book Saving Sick Fish recommends a PH Regulator numerous times to prevent and correct a common problem you’ll encounter in your experiences with aquariums and ponds. This is why this introductory video is here.
One of the most important tools in the fish keepers arsenal is a regulator of P H.
This is an inexpensive chemical that keeps the P H where it’s supposed to be.
The concept of P H is one of balance, or equilibrium between acidity and alkalinity.
Regulators can be used to automate that balance and keep the P H exactly where it needs to be for the health of their aquarium fish.
In simpler terms:
“You can just add an inexpensive compound to the aquarium or pond which will make the P H of the system safe and stable.”
And, at this is highly recommended.
Right now our favorite additive for this is called:
“Sea-Chem Neutral Regulator”.
The “Neutral Regulator” can be added at a rate of one teaspoon per twenty gallons of water, just about every week, and the P H of the system is much less of a worry.
More fish die of P H crash than any other reason in fish medicine. Parasites pale in comparison.
The reason for this is because practically every single biological process in the pond or aquarium generates carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide drags the P H down to acid levels.
Unless you have a P H regulator.
Which we highly recommend that you do.
One of the most important recommendations in the book is to apply any of several effective P H Regulators. All of them are discussed in the book and deeper in this web site. Thank you.